Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Little Ooh La La


It's getting closer ...


Can you sense it?


The sun feels a little warmer...


Birdsong becomes more symphonic....


For many of us, Spring is right around the corner....



One can't help feeling 
a little lighter,
a little happier,
perhaps even a little flirtier?



Budding branches....


Bursting Spring blossoms...




Thoughts of April in PARIS!


Whether Springtime in Paris is a reality or not, adding a little more 
"Ooh La La" to our lives can be a great way to begin the season of renewal, non?


Author and all-around Queen of Joie de Vivre,
Jamie Cat Callanis always an inspiration...

 Read all about the kind and talented Jamie here

This is Jamie's newest book, and is now available for pre-order on Amazon
Her infectious enthusiasm and entertaining writing style always put me in a good mood, and picking up tips and secrets "a la Francaise" brings joy to this Francophile!

I am honored to call Jamie a blog friend, and have been a fan of her delightful books since the release of "Bonjour, Happiness!"....

available here 

 Wishing everyone a happy March, filled with Joie de Vivre!





  1. BONJOUR LES PETITS LAPINS! Oh, how bunnies are so French, at least on the dinner table! YIKES! But Paris is a dream anytime of the year, but most of all now, as spring is stepping forward, every day.

    That pink sheer skirt...Oh là! J'ai envie d'en porter une telle jupe! Et danser!

    Well my dear, we shall have to celebrate the joie de vivre en printemps, maintenant, dans la même ville. Quand et OÙ? Je suis prête!

    BISOUS! Anita vais aller chez cette femme et me présenter! Anita

  2. Happy Spring to you dear Irina...I'm trying to hang onto the sunshine but Autumn is wanting to come....that is my next favourite Season after Summer! I must check out Jamie and her books....ahhhhhh, April in one can dream as it is my birthday in April!

    Thank you for your lovely visits and sweet words...I have been away at a Carerfest and have so much to catch up's amazing what days without the internet can do in the way of putting one behind with everybody!

    Wishing you a beautiful Sunday dear Irina....Much Love from an Autumnal Beach....Dzintra xo

  3. Thanks for sharing your joie, your sunshine and your book tip. I'm always ready for ooh la la, and always appreciative of the spirit with which you share your heart! Here's to the promise of spring! xo

  4. Spring is drawing near indeed!!! These are lovely photos.

  5. Spring is coming, indeed, my dear sister! As much as I love winter, I am really excited for the new season. April in Paris sounds divine, although Paris is always a great idea :) Thank you for the book recomendation, I am intrigued. Love the bunny on the last photo.
    Love to you!

  6. Beautiful, just beautiful! Such a lovely way to bring spring closer.. Won't be long now.
    Thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a sweet note.
    Wishing you a joyful week ahead.

  7. p.s. Congratulations to Jamie on her new book!

  8. Ciao, scusami se ti scrivo in italiano, ma ho alcune difficoltà con l'inglese, e spesso mi sono fermata nello scriverti per questo, perchè, ultimamente mi sembra sempre di non avere tempo...e sono sempre di corsa (nonostante dovrei trovarlo il tempo)! :)
    E' bellissimo e delicato questo post sulla primavera...è vero, comincia a farsi sentire :))!
    Grazie per tutti i messaggi bellissimi che lasci sul mio blog, mi fanno molto piacere oltre ad essere di incoraggiamento :))
    Un caro saluto e un abbraccio pieno di affetto :)
    a presto, virginia

  9. My dearest friend, your words always make my heart pound ... We are from the same planet and love that! Thank YOU!

  10. Hello Irina!
    The dress shown in image three is amazing.......the stuff of dreams!
    Thank you for your lovely comments,always much appreciated. I'm on a blogging slow down at the moment,maybe Spring will inspire me - when it arrives!

    Happy March to you too Irina,
    Ruby xx

  11. Thank you so much dear Irina for the tight very much appreciated! I hope you are having beautiful Spring days....Our Autumn is unbelievable at the moment....more like Summer! Sending hugs your way....Love Dzintra xo

  12. Dearest Irina,
    It can't come soon enough now. I am a tad sick of endless grey days. You have brought the sunshine with this post. Thank you my dear. We are off to France for a week in May, the Champagne region, with no doubt, a little trip to Paris :-)
    Much love.

  13. Thank you so much dear Irina for your sweet comment about Daphne! You are so kind... I am thrilled that you enjoyed your gift of my cards from Anita... She is such a dear one. I am honored to have my art in your home..

    I just love this post... Here you are looking forward to spring, and it is 100 degrees here today... EEEK!

  14. As I was driving this
    morning, I had the
    thought that 25 degrees
    in March feels MUCH
    different than 25 degrees
    in December! The sun
    is closer to the earth,
    and all feels warmer
    and certainly more bathed
    in light.

    Here's to spring, sweet

    xo Suzanne

  15. Oh yes dear Irina I would highly reccomens you disobey ha highlights have never entered my head but I must air I do love the purple!

    Thank you so much for your visits and your very kind words on the loss of my friends...Many blessings to Dzintra xo

  16. Oh yes I would love to be there with you too....but I will be there virtually! Looking forward to your post....Hugs dear Irina...Dzintra xo


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