Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Bit of Nostalgia...Part Deux

A beautiful weekend to everyone! 
Shall we continue on with the second installment of "Let's Bring Back"? A few more favorites from the book, as well as some of my personal picks sprinkled in....
Let's begin!

Elegant Train Travel

Real Food for Children
Thank you Jamie Oliver! 

Reading Aloud

Turkish Delights

Polka Dots

Red Lipstick


The Silver Palate Cookbooks

Lucy and Ethel


Champagne Fountains


Tea Salons

Mixing Lovingly By Hand

The Gentle Art of Tasha Tudor

Tap Dancing

Lunch Hour (or Two)

Silk Pajamas

Midnight Birthday Suppers

images:Chinese Grandma, Pinterest, Tumblr


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Merci Mille Fois!

I would like to give a HUGE bouquet of THANKS to the marvelous Dianne at YONKS!!!

Dianne was so very kind to forward the Liebster Blog award my way!
I am very new to the blog world, but I am enjoying it immensely, and meeting the most talented, fascinating, and kind people. That is such a gift. 

Please visit Dianne's wonderful blog YONKS
and check out the other four blogs she awarded!
I am very honored that she felt my blog was worth a mention!

Now, this is a "pay it forward" award, which I love. The recipient then chooses five blogs they love, but they must have less than 200 followers. And so on, and so on. As Dianne says, keep it going (hopefully), and have fun! So, here are the lovely blogs I am awarding...please visit these talented people!

Sylvia at  Sylvia's Simple Life. She is a superb photographer who captures the simple pleasures of life in an extraordinary way. So talented! And such a sweet person...

Finding Nowhere, a place for the child in all of us. Masterful beauty and whimsy from a group of like-minded and supremely talented writers and artists. Visit and be enchanted!

The Dutchess, an artist and writer who infuses life with magic...

Sheryl at Quit My Day Job!, a multi-talented teacher who took a leap of faith to become a full-time artist! I so admire her courage. Sheryl's art is so beautiful, and she takes us along on her inspirational journey.

And last, but certainly not least, I take Dianne's lead and award my sweet daughter! She is going into 5th Grade, and has started her blog to express her view of the world. You can see it at Cute Short Stories.

                                                       Enjoy and have a beautiful day!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Bit of Nostalgia...Part One

Happy weekend dear readers!

A few days ago, I had the honor and privilege of learning an amazing craft from a dear friend.
She is an artist extraordinaire and Renaissance woman, and during this magical afternoon I learned the art of bookmaking. A time-consuming, yet immensely satisfying process, I ended up with a gorgeous little masterpiece to treasure. This exquisite experience led me to ponder the role of true craftsmanship, quality, and authentic living in our contemporary society.  As much as we appreciate and rely on our wonderful modern conveniences and technological gadgets, sometimes we all need to slow down. Perhaps wash the dishes by hand every once in a while, enjoying the frothy bubbles. How about a little promenade after dinner? Not a powerwalk, mind you, but a sweet, leisurely stroll. What about purchasing fewer, but well-made items, whatever they may be. 
                           Or perhaps we could even take the time to learn to craft a book...

Which brings me to the marvelous little book pictured below. Informative, witty, entertaining, and most definitely subjective, Leslie M.M. Blume takes us on a fun and fascinating journey of everything she believes should be brought back into fashion. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorites...

                                           Please share what YOU would like to add to the list!


So let's bring back...

The Kindness of Strangers

Aging Naturally





Glamour Slippers

Powder Puffs


Quality Over Quantity

Punch Bowls

Rice Pudding

Handwritten Letters

Fountain Pens

Evening Strolls

Please stay tuned for Part Two...

images: Pinterest, NJ Tango, coutureallure, tumblr, theconstanttraveler

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